Responding to Violence From The Police

Police in riot gear and carrying rifles are prepared to use them, might even be eager to use them. How should we respond?

Police are meant to be both peacekeepers and enforcers. Police in riot gear are meant to intimidate you; but police also serve as protectors and shields, guarding demonstrators from attackers. Practiced in crowd-control, they can help demonstrations run smoothly.

On the other hand, police can quickly unleash a torrent of violence on demonstrators, especially if provoked. Any act of violence on the part of demonstrators can incite them, from yelling expletives to damaging property. 

Police were originally the slave catchers of American history. In alliance with slave owners, they enforced fugitive laws that kept African Americans in servitude.  Their history is not equally friendly to all Americans.

Violence from police evokes public sympathy and support.  Violence against nonviolent people tends to backfire against police and leads to defections. Not all police are enthusiastic about engaging in violent repression against nonviolent demonstrators. Some have family members and friends participating in the demonstration. 

In the name of “law and order” state agents have cracked down on demonstrators. Repression against nonviolent resisters with legitimate grievances and the Constitutional right to assemble represents desperation on the part of those in power. It is not a sign of strength, but a sign of weakness. Remember, it is when authoritarians are desperate and close to losing power and control that they order the most repressive tactics. So, stay strong and stay nonviolent.